The Centre for Integral Leadership Asia (CIL Asia) is one of the Region’s largest independent coaching and leadership firms.

Formed by three of Asia’s premier leadership development companies, Australia’s Stephenson Mansell Group, Thailand’s Slingshot Group and China’s The Leadership Group, CIL Asia has over 100 coaches and facilitators in China, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific. Our company delivers practical, commercial, impactful solutions using consistent methodologies and approaches to domestic, regional and multinational client organisations.

‘Be the kind of leader that
you would follow‘

CIL Asia’s team possesses extensive corporate experience, deep levels of emotional intelligence, and a genuine passion for developing others.  Our team’s quality of delivery is assured by requisite professional qualifications, accreditations and on-going professional development.

We provide organisations and individual executives with the opportunity to define and address specific development needs in a way that sustains positive change. We draw on our extensive IP and long experience partnering with private, public and not-for-profit corporations to embed behavioural change and achieve business outcomes.